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AKIDS Symposium: Family FunFest 2022

  • Annabelle Kids 510 Thomson Road Singapore, 298135 Singapore (map)

Suitable for parents of young children up to 18 years of age, find out how to better support your children’s physical, psychological, and social wellbeing here.

Be the first 100 children to sign up and receive our Annabelle Kids limited edition backpack. Chat with us to find out more. See you there!

Meet Our Speakers

Dr Annabelle Chow

Clinical Psychologist

  • Intended audience: Parents of all ages

    As our children grow, their ability to communicate and express their emotions changes and develops. Ideally, they are able to adequately express their emotional needs, and parents or caregivers are able to meet those needs well. Inevitably, there will be times where the temper tantrums occur for various reasons. Find out more from Dr Annabelle about why our children throw temper tantrums and how to manage those tantrums. She will also be sharing about how parents or caregivers can regulate themselves first in order to handle such situations well.

  • In our society, academic success and intellect are traditionally valued over emotional quotient. Recent research has refuted this as EQ has been shown to be more important than IQ in an individual’s later development and success. That is not to say we should aim to enrich our children in one domain over the other, but to engage our children in activities that will sufficiently develop both EQ and IQ.

    Dr. Annabelle will be discussing the utility of both IQ and EQ in our children, the importance of developing both domains, and various techniques to help hone and develop a well-rounded child. In addition, she will go through activities that parents can engage with their children together for family time.

Dr Chong JinHo

(Kids Medical & Eczema Clinic)

  • Intended audience: Parents of children aged up to 6 years old

Dr Oh Meng Choo

Paediatrician (SMG)

  • Dr Oh is a general Paediatrician who practices in a neighbourhood clinic. With 2 teenage daughters, managing work, children, family and expectations is never easy. People often ask her how she manages my children in my busy schedule. Her secret? There isn’t one. It’s never easy. Parenting is a lifelong journey and she believe that everyone is learning each day how to be good parents. In this talk, Dr Oh will share and help parents understand the latest thoughts about parenting.

Elysia Soh

Speech & Language Therapist

  • Communication is an integral part of our lives. Children are programmed to acquire language and communication skills from birth to adolescence. Wondering about your child’s language development? Join our speech therapist as we discuss language acquisition, milestones to expect and how we can support our children. Learn more about what aids communication, raising a child in a bilingual environment and what to look out for in your child’s speech and language development.

Maximillian Chen

Clinical Psychologist

  • Intended audience: Parents of children aged up to 18 years old

    Parents often lament that their children cannot seem to stop playing games on their devices, be it on the mobile phone, tablet, or the computer. The impact of such gaming behaviour is evident in various aspects of a child’s life: their physical health, social life, emotional regulation, ability to concentrate well in school, and the list goes on. When does gaming cross the line and become an addiction? Find out more from Maximillian about gaming addiction and its consequences. He will also share tips and strategies for parents to help their children overcome their gaming addiction.

Mira Yoon
Art Psychotherapist

  • Intended audience: Parents of children of all ages

    Children’s art opens a window into their worlds, allowing us to have a glimpse into their unique perspectives of their inner world and developing sense of self. In this session, our art therapist, Mira, will share how art could be adopted as tool to understand your child’s psychological self and to develop your awareness and skills to facilitate creative ways to interact with your child. Case vignettes will be used to illustrate the concepts behind the Expressive Therapies Continuum Theory. It will be a wonderful opportunity to learn about therapeutic effects of art: art as therapy.

Jiayong Lin
Clinical Psychologist

  • Intended audience: Parents of children with special needs aged up to 6 years old

    Starting school is a big transition period with a lot of adjustment – even more so for children with special needs. For children aged around 5 to 6 years old, parents may begin to wonder if their child is independent enough to attend a special education (SPED) school or if their child may be able to cope with the demands of a mainstream school. Gain more insight from Jiayong who is experienced in working with children with special needs – he will be sharing about the process of school readiness assessments, factors to consider when deciding on a school placement option for your child, and how to prepare your child for school.

Charmaine Ong
Speech &
Language Therapist

  • Intended audience: Parents of children of all ages

    Why do people stutter, and is there a way we can fix it? For most people, speaking is something that does not require much effort; knowing what to say and moving our lips to form those words does not require much thought. For people who stutter, talking is not always easy nor straightforward. As an invisible condition, stuttering can be incredibly stressful for the individual, having a far-reaching impact on their lives. Join Charmaine and Julia as they delve into the condition of stuttering and its psychological impacts on people’s lives.

Christine Kwek

Clinical Psychologist

  • Intended audience: Parents of children of all ages

    “Mommy, Daddy, where did I come from?” “What does the word s-e-x mean?” Do you shudder or cringe when your children ask such questions? For a long time, sexuality education has been conducted as part of the mainstream curriculum. In this day and age, where technology has made information widely available and accessible to everyone, it is crucial that parents play an active role in educating their children about their bodies, safety, and healthy boundaries. Join Christine as she shares tips and resources on how to begin broaching this topic with our children, and creating a safe and conducive environment to have these conversations with them.

Haanusia Prithivi Raj
Clinical Psychologist

  • As children navigate through their developmental stages, their needs evolve and become increasingly complex. This means that parents inevitably have to evolve alongside their children, if they so desire to build a healthy relationship with them. Tune in as Haanusia shares tips on creating a trusting and respectful long-term relationship with your children from the very beginning, making sense of your children’s love language, and filling up their love tanks accordingly. She will also be talking about how to seek connection first before engaging in correction.

Kimberly Chew


  • Intended audience: Parents of children of all ages

    “Stop fighting with your brother/sister!” – Does that sound like a line you’ve said a thousand times?  The responsibilities of one child can be difficult enough to handle as a parent, but what if you multiply that by two (or three or four) and add additional family dynamics into the equation! Sibling rivalry is inevitable, regardless of how well-behaved they are! Children will always vie for their parent’s attention and it can be frustrating when you realise how trivial the issue might be. While you can’t stop the drone of complaints, what you can do is to teach them how to manage conflicts and problem solve. Listen to Kimberly share practical strategies on how to manage quarrels among your beloved children. 

Kirsty Png
Counselling Psychologist

  • Intended audience: Parents of children of all ages

    Having children can be one of the most joyful experiences. However, it can also be one of the most stressful one. Division of caregiving responsibilities, lack of rest, little time for self or your partner, decreased communication – all new changes often resulting in disappointment, feelings of hurt, and conflict. Join Kirsty as she highlights the pitfalls of parenthood, and shares how to manage this strain that comes along with new parenting experiences.

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