Cognitive Assessments
Wide Range Achievement Test, 4th Edition (WRAT-4)
Just as the name suggests, the Wide Range Achievement Test measures a wide range of academic skills, like reading skills, mathematics skills, spelling and comprehension.
The test will take about 15 to 25 minutes to complete for children between 5 to 7 years old, and 35 to 45 minutes for those above 8 years old.
The WRAT-4 has 4 subtests:
Ψ Word Reading: measures word decoding through letter identification and word recognition
Ψ Reading Comprehension: assesses ability to identify meaning of words and to comprehend ideas and information in a sentence using a modified cloze technique
Ψ Spelling: evaluates ability to identify sounds and transfer them into written form
Ψ Math Computation Test: measures ability to count, identify numbers, solve simple oral math problems and calculate written math problems
The Word Reading and Sentence Comprehension scores are combined to give a total score for reading ability.
For those looking for a quick, simple and sound measure of basic academic skills, the WRAT-4 is for you. It is useful for diagnosing learning disabilities, the assessment of academic progress over time, and the evaluation or re-evaluation of learning and cognitive disorders. Given its focus on distinct areas of academic learning, the test helps improve understanding of a child’s needs in the classroom too.
The WRAT-4 is appropriate for children and adults ranging from 5 to 94 years of age.
It takes around 15 to 45 minutes to complete the test.