Social Skills Club
The ability to think socially gives us the means to interpret and respond to people (their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours) and what we learn about them as they interact within and between situations. Social thinking gives us the ability to consider our own and others’ thoughts, emotions, beliefs, intentions, knowledge, and so on, for interpretation (in our own mind) and related responses (through our social behavioural interactions).
Annabelle Kids’ Social Skills Club offers an opportunity for children who lack social skills to practice these social skills with peers. Through evidence-based methods, your child will learn to engage, regulate and respond to social interactions with each other.
How does it work?
Our child therapists will rate each child on the skills listed below. This enables the Allied Health Professional to have an understanding of the child’s social competence — Bronze, Silver, and Gold tier — which informs the individualised learning plan and goals for each child.
Following the initial consultation, individualised goals are set and discussed with parents. The group will then carry out activities that target the children's goals. Activities will have a focus on getting children to use their social skills to communicate with peers.
Why the different levels?
Our ability to think socially develops and evolves over time. For instance, the way we apologize, ask for help, or kindle a friendship as a child in kindergarten is very different from what we do as adults. The core thinking skills we learn as children lay the foundation for us to become more mature in our social thinking as our social abilities keep expanding across our lives.
Benefits of Social Skills
How does my child join the group?
New clients will have to come for an initial consultation to determine level of social skills and an appropriate group to join.